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Pet Peeves #1

Hi.Am very irritated right now.So let me just get to the point!

Disclaimer:Whatever I wrote is based on my opinion.You don't have to agree :)

1. Jerks who Fart in confined spaces
For the love of ... you think your fart very nice smell is it?!@#$%^&*()_+
Some people might fart out the 'Silent Killer'.Its the worst kind of all!
It smells like someone released a big fart bomb!
Fart more la,later people pengsan only you know -.-
Some people might fart loudly.Usually it doesn't have any particular strong smell.
To those people who love to fart in public,
I still wanna live!

2. Jerks who hog the fast lane
I encounter many types of people on the road.
Some are safe and good drives and some are just pure idiots and selfish drivers!
If you wanna be on the fast lane.Please drive the appropriate speed for that lane!
Nobody drives at the speed at 40km/hr.Please move df to the other lane!
Just because of you,you made all the cars behind of you slow down and caused a minor jam.
Sometimes when others honk at these types of drivers,the driver who is hogging the lane doesn't give a shit!Please la,be more considerate to others,this is not your grandfather's road k?

3. Jerks who can't even park when there is enough space to go in
Uhh I wonder how they got their driving licenses?
My dear,there is no car beside you and only one car is waiting for you to park and you still can't park, that means you're just poor.Poor in parking!You're seriously taking up a a lot of time you know?
The other day,I encounter one lady who took more than 15mins just to park.I was so mad that I almost wanna go down and park for her and even give her a piece of my mind -.- (KIDDING)

4.Jerks who do not listen or answer when you're obviously talking to them
Bruh you deaf or what?
Is just me and you.Who do you think I'm talking to?
Is it so difficult to answer back or respond?
If you don't wanna hear me talk or talk to me please just tell me,so that I don't look like I'm talking to a wall!

Whatever I wrote is based on my opinion.You dont have to agree on it.