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The Big 21

OOps post this after a week.Can ma? HAHAHA

On the 10th June I turned 21. (Yay welcome to adulthood anna -.-)
I have seen many 21 YOs throw nice Instagram worthy parties and I'm here scrolling thru dem pictures and videos. (Ok fine not just the 21 YOs,I've also seen those above 21 throwing parties like this.)I seriously do not have the time to plan/host a party.I had to work on my birthday (FML)
I thought this year would be the same as the previous years but no.I was surprised by the poeple who were willing to spend time with me and made me feel special! 

6 June
Boyfriend,His sister and mom came all the way from their hometown to surprise me. Because they need to go back before my Birthday.

After chilling for awhile with them,me and my bf head to my parents house to celebrate my birthday.We Went out for dinner.Nothing special really,just happy to be able to celebrate early with them. LOVE ALL OF YOU

Had to WORK on my birthday.
Had Pizza for dinner at my workplace & after work my colleagues brought me to Caffee Bean Solaris Mont Kiara to eat dessert! 

Thank You everyone for taking the time to spent time with and for all your birthday wishes! Blessed and grateful ! :)