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The Big 21

OOps post this after a week.Can ma? HAHAHA

On the 10th June I turned 21. (Yay welcome to adulthood anna -.-)
I have seen many 21 YOs throw nice Instagram worthy parties and I'm here scrolling thru dem pictures and videos. (Ok fine not just the 21 YOs,I've also seen those above 21 throwing parties like this.)I seriously do not have the time to plan/host a party.I had to work on my birthday (FML)
I thought this year would be the same as the previous years but no.I was surprised by the poeple who were willing to spend time with me and made me feel special! 

6 June
Boyfriend,His sister and mom came all the way from their hometown to surprise me. Because they need to go back before my Birthday.

After chilling for awhile with them,me and my bf head to my parents house to celebrate my birthday.We Went out for dinner.Nothing special really,just happy to be able to celebrate early with them. LOVE ALL OF YOU

Had to WORK on my birthday.
Had Pizza for dinner at my workplace & after work my colleagues brought me to Caffee Bean Solaris Mont Kiara to eat dessert! 

Thank You everyone for taking the time to spent time with and for all your birthday wishes! Blessed and grateful ! :)



Fairy Lights gives me positive vibes haha

Wooo....This month passed by so quickly!It's going to be Chinese New Year soon!YAY
Lazy month for me here haha #Don'tBeLikeMe
OK so here goes.Another rant!

I don't understand why people still think that you're the same one trillion years ago?
I don't understand why people judge a book by its cover?
I don't understand why people think you'll never change?
I don't understand why people tryna pull you down?
I don't understand why poeple are so ...I have tons to say but neh.Too much

Firstly,they don't see your often.Then they tryna understand you without even wanting to get to know you and make quick judgement base on your past.When they see that you're happy and successful,they will find a way to bring you down!Like hello,no life is it!?What are your objectives?Will all these made your life happier?Or will it bring you luck?Or will it change your life?Or Is it beneficial in your life?

No hate tho,just trying to be positive!

How I usually overcome?
1.I try to not give a damn!
2.I'll try to see the good in people
3.If I am doing something wrong,I will try to change.
4.I will seek for advise

I'm sorry if this post bore you but if you do feel the same way as i do,tell me how you overcome it? :)


Thoughts on 2016

(This pic was taken in the beginning of year)

2016 has come to an end.Am looking for to the year ahead! :)
I'm the type of person who regrets and hated my life every single year,but this year,everything was different.At the beginning of the year,I was anxious about what will happen in the year 2016,but in the end everything was good.Had my ups and downs,reconnect with old friends,spend more time with people I loved.I am truly grateful for everything.I am truly bless with people who supported,loved,encouraged,motivated,stayed throughout this year.
From the bottom of my heart,THANK YOU!
Spread positivity and God Bless 

Top 5 list of things I achieved this year
1.Dyed my hair (Bleached+Crazy color)
2.Got my braces
3.Cut my hair
4,Took up hair course
5.Took up manicure course